
Writing is exhausting. Inevitably, we all need a pick-me-up sometimes. Maybe your story isn’t moving forwards, your character is misbehaving or you simply can’t get a word out. This is all NORMAL. We’ve all waded through ever-growing stacks of unfinished pages and occasionally, the dragon that we set on our protagonist. Hopefully this page will remind you to fight, and most importantly, write. Take as long as you need and be sure to share it along.

Confidence is something you create within yourself by believing in who you are.


It increases anxiety and it’s holding you back. Once you stop seeking approval, you will be free to ACHIEVE and CREATE. FOCUS. Listen to what you really want and trust your gut. What feels right to you. Focus on the process, not the outcome. But don’t forget your ɢᴏᴀʟ. You are good enough. Most importantly, above anything else,

B E L I E V E⠀⠀I N⠀⠀Y O U R S E L F. ❤️

Your characters are depending on it. And so are you. So write. You’ll feel better. I promise.

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